Curious, once again, what voice to use where.

Wanting to know precisely the correct time, socially, for a drink, and precisely what the adverse health effects are.

Thanksgiving in Chicago November. Gym with Jose.

CCC at end of 2023.

SF for two weeks in January.

Colorado at the end of February, for Eric’s birthday.

Working in novel fields means getting good quick at learning the techniques of the specific field.

SRE seems like a skillset worth learning for sure. It’s been nice to observe internally the different professional competencies.

March now briefly in Denver.

April, Ola to Berlin.

April 8-19, Feytopia.

May 24-26, ethberlin.

June 26-30, toorcamp / orcas.

I think if I go to SF I likely rent a place in Berkeley or Haight/Hayes, because of the proximity of friends.