PEDA may be useful

It’s a script that makes gdb easier to use (run these in your shell)

git clone ~/peda
echo "source ~/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit
echo "DONE! debug your program with gdb and enjoy"

Some GDB basics you’ll need

  • gdb old-oaken-bucket
  • break * 0x4005f6 set a breakpoint on the main function. the binary is stripped, if you’re curious why read this
  • run AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # starts the program and runs until it hits the breakpoint
  • ni # next instruction – steps in assembly.
  • c continue until the next breakpoint or the program ends

Simple reversing challenge from an internal Purdue ctf that i *ahem*‘d my way into. Download link.

The interesting block is pretty clear (it’s the longest and it’s in main):

Reversing it by hand looks tedious. cdq is just “convert doubleword to quadword” with a sign extend.

Throwing it into IDA comes out pretty gross:

__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)
  size_t v3; // rbx@4
  int i; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-14h]@7

  if ( a1 != 2 )
    printf("Usage: %s <flag>\n", *a2, a3, a2);
  v3 = strlen(a2[1]);
  if ( v3 != strlen(&s) )
    puts("OH NOES IU WON!");
  for ( i = 0; i < strlen(a2[1]); ++i )
    if ( (unsigned __int8)(*(&s + i) ^ byte_400808[(unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int8)byte_400810[(signed __int64)(signed int)(((((unsigned int)((unsigned __int64)i >> 32) >> 29) + (_BYTE)i) & 7) - ((unsigned int)((unsigned __int64)i >> 32) >> 29))]]) != a2[1][i] )
      puts("OH NOES IU WON!");
  puts("BOILER UP!");
  return 0LL;

We know that at some point, the binary’s going to do a byte compare (second-to-last instruction in the basic block above).

The binary’s stripped so GDB doesn’t know where main is. We use our standard hack to set a breakpoint on the entry point: b * 0, r, b *$pc, d 1. That runs us through the dynamic linker which sucks to step through, so I pull the address of that block out of Binja and just break on that instead.

We can tell (by looking @ disassembly in Binja) that the program expects a 32 byte-long string as the first argument.

Stepping through that block, we notice something useful: the last instruction before the jump compares the input string untouched against the now-deobfuscated flag. However, it’ll probably fail the check (as our input is wrong) and quit us out. So we can do the following:

  1. Run GDB to that breakpoint
  2. Write down the next character of the flag from RDX
  3. Restart the program, adding the character from the flag we just learned.

This works, but it’s not fast. We can do better.

  1. Set a breakpoint on the cmp instruction instead.
  2. Take the opposite path of the fork every time we get to the jump (ie set $rip=0x4006d6.
  3. continue back to the cmp instruction again, and read off RDX (peda or display/c $rdx.

This works because that basic block doesn’t modify the state in any weird way. Pretty much just a coincidence.

But, that’s not fast enough. We can do better.

GDB doesn’t have command separation built in (it honestly leaves a lot to be desired from the “works like a nice shell” standpoint). We can hack it in with Python.

Now, we just need to set a breakpoint on the cmp and:

  1. cmds set $rip=0x4006d6 ; c
  2. Mash up+enter.
(gdb) b * 0x4006be
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4006be
(gdb) r aoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeu
Starting program: /root/old-oaken-bucket aoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeuaoeu

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004006be in ?? ()
(gdb) display/c $rdx
1: /c $rdx = 66 'B'
(gdb) cmds set $rip=0x4006d6 ; c

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004006be in ?? ()
1: /c $rdx = 67 'C'
(gdb) cmds set $rip=0x4006d6 ; c

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004006be in ?? ()
1: /c $rdx = 84 'T'
(gdb) cmds set $rip=0x4006d6 ; c

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004006be in ?? ()
1: /c $rdx = 70 'F'
(gdb) cmds set $rip=0x4006d6 ; c

... truncated

Nice and quick.

Next up: emulate it with unicorn and write a tiny python script to do the same thing.